About us

- During the festival, we have awesome volunteers helping us out and we really appreciate all their hard work. We also aim to make our volunteers' time with us fun, let them watch any screenings they like and keep the beer flowing at parties.
- If you are interested in joining the team, just contact us on Facebook or send us an e-mail to info@springofhorror.com with a little bit about yourself and what you are interested in. We'll then get back in touch and see if it's the right fit.
Who are we and what do we stand by?
We are filmmakers, genre film aficionados and we go by the names
of Lari Teräs and Jon Lewis. Of course, running a good festival
isn't a two man show, so we also have awesome volunteers helping
out during the festival.Our aim is to showcase the best genre films from around the World from new filmmakers and seasoned veterans. We focus on new voices and prefer creativity over big budgets. In addition to dedicated short film blocks, we aim to schedule each feature with one short and a genre appropriate music video at the beginning to set the mood. Final scheduling obviously depends on the entries we get and the lengths of the feature/short films that are accepted.
Also, although we are filmmakers ourselves, this is not a platform to showcase our own work and all films we are involved with are automatically disqualified. Still, as the genre film community is a fairly tight knit group, situations may arise where it is hard to objectively judge entries from people we know. For that purpose we have sourced horror, sci-fi and fantasy film fans from outside of Canada to give us an unbiased view for the films we can't objectively judge ourselves.
Why Toronto Spring of Horror and Fantasy?
We acknowledge that Toronto is already a home to some excellent
genre film festivals such as Toronto After Dark and Blood in the
Snow. However, we feel that genre films should be accessible all
year round, that's why we have set our festival in the spring. We
are also rolling out with some more unique features such as a
scream queen competitions alongside our screenings. More details
will be posted later as we update the website.When and Where?
For the 5th annual Toronto Int'l Spring of Horror & Fantasy Film Festival we are growing to a 5-day event on April 1-5, 2020. The screenings will take place at the Carlton Cinema in downtown Toronto.More details to follow, so keep in touch and like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter as well!