2018 Film selections
Music Videos
Pathological Lovers - Best Served

Director: Jordan Canning
Country: Canada
Run time: 7 min
Description: Official music video for Pathological Lovers, BEST SERVED, off their debut album 'Calling All Favours'. With special appearance by Hey Rosetta! front man, Tim Baker.
Website: http://www.getsetfilms.com
blood opera - Shocker

Director: Andy Wright
Country: Canada
Run time: 5 min
Description: World Premiere of Blood Opera's shocker. Undead Monster Metal from the graveyards and beyond!
Trailer: (Coming soon)
Website: https://www.bloodopera.org/
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/bloodoperainc
Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/bloodoperato
Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/bloodoperainc
Valence - He Tried to Kill Me with a Forklift

Director: Ted Schaefer
Country: USA
Run time: 6 min
Description: After creeping on their party, the devil seeks to collect the souls of all 4 members of the band Valence by out-dueling them on their given instruments. But little does he know, their ghosts can shred!
Website: http://www.valence.band
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/valencemusic/
James Blonde - Not This Time

Director: Willem Sennema
Country: Canada
Run time: 3 min
Description: James Blonde band members go on a nice camp trip, but danger lurks in the woods.
Website: http://www.jamesblonde.ca
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/JamesBlondeBand
Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/JamesBlondeBand
Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/JamesBlondeBand
Muuy Biien - Moral Compass

Director: Benjamin Roberds
Country: USA
Run time: 4 min
Description: Dominar Film's music video for Athens band, Muuy Biien, visually puts the viewer in the shoes of a soon-to-be-husband heading off to marry his future wife: the bands lead singer, au Nosferatu-ale, in a gown and makeup. All goes well (and weird), until an unexpected guest strikes just after the first kiss.
Smothered Bowels - U.S. Butcher

Director: Aleksey Smirnov
Country: Russia
Run time: 5 min
Description: Action takes place in the North of the USA, nearby small town called Evilville. People sometimes disappear in this area, but these crimes are not investigated. The reason for this is the Sheriff and his maniac family. All the family members act in a crime deal and trap their victims and get victims down. The most dirty job is done by subnormal son of Sheriff, who lives in the basement of family house. So he is our Butcher. Passing victims through his huge slaughter, Butcher gets the mince and Little Jimbo (older Sheriff’s son) makes hamburgers from this mince. Then Jimbo sells these hamburgers in the Evilville. Besides we get acquainted with Sheriff’s wife, daughter and uncle. By the fatal combination of circumstances at this time maniac Sheriff's family got music group “Smothered Bowels”, and through their history we will tell this adult fairy tale.
Wall of Death

Director: Helge Forler & Felix Zehender
Country: Germany
Run time: 2 min
Description: A meteorite flies to the earth and threatens to destroy an open air rock'n'roll party. Through the power of a "Wall Of Death" the festival visitors can save the party!
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/WallOfDeathMovie/